Osaka Global Student Ambassador Network Sign-Up 登録
Osaka Global Student Ambassador Network (OGSAN)のメンバーを募集しております!大阪で学んでいる留学生なら、誰でも参加できます!




Sign-up now to the Osaka Global Student Ambassador Network (OGSAN)!Anyone can join!

OGSAN is a network that aims to provide a region-wide sense of community to international students in Osaka. Members (known as supporters) can enjoy a variety of different benefits!

Such benefits include:
・Participation in intercultural events aimed at international students.
・Receiving information about events and work opportunities before other students.
・Participation in a variety of contests where you can WIN PRIZES!
・Through participation in our annual international student survey you can influence how Osaka develops as an International Study Destination!

By agreeing to the terms at the end of this sign-up sheet and pressing the confirmation button at the end, we officially recognise you as a member of OGSAN.
名前/Name (フリガナ)

Where are you from?

性別 / Gender

メールアドレス / E-mail Address

教育機関名/ Place of Study

Year of study

Preferred Language to be contacted in

What would you like to receive information about?
イベント Events  
観光情報 Tourist Information  
就職活動に関わる情報及びイベント Job-hunting information and events  
進学に関わる情報及びイベント Further education information and events  
アルバイトの機会 Work Opportunities  
インターンシップの機会 Internship Opportunities  
ボランティア活動の機会 Volunteer Opportunities  
その他 Other Please specify  

What types of events and activities particularly interest you?
国際交流会 Intercultural Events  
スポーツ型のイベント Taking Part in Sports Events  
スポーツ観戦 Watching sports  
アルバイトの機会 Part-time job opportunities  
観光モニタリング Tourism Monitoring  
日本文化コンテンツ Japanese Culture Experiences  
イングリッシュキャンプ English Camp  
ボランティア活動 Volunteer Work  
企業とのネットワーキングイベント Networking Events with Companies  
フォトコンテスト Photo Contests  
留学生ウィーク (  
外国人留学生エキスポ ( International Student EXPO  
食に関するイベント Food-related events  
ゲームに関するイベント Game-related events  
スピーチコンテスト Speech Contests  
クイズ Quizzes  

Osaka Global Student Ambassador Network (OGSAN)についてどうやって知りましたか。
How did you know about the Osaka Global Student Ambassador Network (OGSAN)?
友達・知人に紹介してもらいました / I was introduced by a friend  
学校に教えてもらいました / I was told by my place of study  
OGSANの留学生アンバサダーに紹介してもらいました (名前を下記に記入してください) / I was introduced by an international student ambassador. (Please write their name below)   
留学生支援コンソーシアム大阪からメールをいただきました / I received an email from the Osaka Global Student Support Association  
留学生支援コンソーシアム大阪のスタッフに直接に教えてもらいました / I was presented to by members of the Osaka Global Student Support Association  

OGSANには多国籍のメンバーが入ります。お互いの国の文化と習慣を尊重し、友好的な関係を築くことに同意しますか。/ Members of OGSAN come from a range of different countries and backgrounds. Do you agree to respect each other’s cultural differences and treat other memberswith respect?
同意します Yes  
同意しません No